
24 November 2023

Collaborations with McGill and Laval universities

Publié par Carole Fournier

ACC Label is now a regular at McGill University, where its president, Carole Fournier, gives lectures to dietetic students year after year: November – Annual lecture since 2017 on Canadian Food Labelling and Nutritional Analysis Methodology for reliable results, as part of the Food Service Systems Management course (Nutr 345 – 2nd year of undergraduate studies). January […]

21 December 2021

$400,000 to spare for misleading food labels?

Publié par Carole Fournier

In 2021, $560,000 in fines were charged to Canadian companies for deceptive labelling, including: $10,000 to a Montreal company for selling extra virgin olive oil in a manner that was false, misleading or deceptive or was likely to create an erroneous impression regarding its character, value, composition and merit, which is an offence under subsection […]

11 November 2021

Food recalls in October 2021

Publié par Carole Fournier

Last month, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency reported 17 food recalls, including 7 for undeclared allergens and 10 for chemical (e.g. cleaning product), physical (e.g. pieces of plastic or metal) or microbiological contamination. Avoid costs associated with non-compliance; leave your labelling to the experts at ACC Label

10 November 2021

5th year of collaboration with McGill University

Publié par Carole Fournier

Another great collaboration with P.-G. Duhamel of McGill’s Food Service Systems Management class (NUTR 345). Mr. Duhamel prepared a fun interactive quiz for the students based on a presentation by ACC Label’s president, C. Fournier, on food labelling and nutritional analysis.

27 October 2021

Accurate labelling: a moral obligation

Publié par Carole Fournier

Proper food labelling is not only a legal matter, but also a moral one. For some, improperly declared allergens could be the difference between life and death. With the boom in food distribution due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many consumers are not being provided with the information needed to make safe and informed choices. Sylvain […]

6 January 2021

Folios Parmesan Cheese Wraps

Publié par Carole Fournier

Now available at #Costco: #Folios Parmesan Cheese Wraps from #LotitoFoods, distributed by #Norseland in a packaging approved by #ACCLabel. Folios: endless possibilities for creative chefs!

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