In 2021, $560,000 in fines were charged to Canadian companies for deceptive labelling, including:
- $10,000 to a Montreal company for selling extra virgin olive oil in a manner that was false, misleading or deceptive or was likely to create an erroneous impression regarding its character, value, composition and merit, which is an offence under subsection 5(1) of the Food and Drugs Act;
- $400,000 to a Wheatley, Ontario company for labelling and selling thawed fish as fresh fish, contrary to section 6(1) of the Safe Food for Canadians Act (SFCA);
- $150,000 to a North Vancouver company for selling beef as “certified organic” when it was not.
Fraud can be costly – so can negligence and errors. Avoid the costs of non-compliance. Have your labels verified by ACC Label, the pros in Canadian food labelling.