
25 July 2024

Privacy Policy

Publié par genatec

Privacy Policy Last Updated on       25-July-2024 Effective Date           25-July-2024 This Privacy Policy describes how ACC Label’s collects, uses and discloses your information when you use our website (, hereafter referred to as the “Service”. By accessing or using the Service, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of […]

25 July 2024

Cookie Policy

Publié par genatec

Cookie Policy Effective Date:    25-July-2024 Last Updated:     25-July-2024 This Cookie Policy explains what cookies are and how we use them, the types of cookies we use i.e., the information we collect using cookies, how that information is used, and how to manage the cookie settings. What are cookies? Cookies are small text files […]

11 January 2024

Mandatory Front-of-Pack Nutrition Labelling

Publié par Carole Fournier

Deadline to comply: December 31, 2025 What is it? The nutrition symbol is a visual aid developed by Health Canada to help consumers make quick and informed choices when shopping for food. The symbol is intended to easily identify foods high in nutrients of public health concern, i.e., saturated fat, sugars and sodium. The symbol […]

24 November 2023

Collaborations with McGill and Laval universities

Publié par Carole Fournier

ACC Label is now a regular at McGill University, where its president, Carole Fournier, gives lectures to dietetic students year after year: November – Annual lecture since 2017 on Canadian Food Labelling and Nutritional Analysis Methodology for reliable results, as part of the Food Service Systems Management course (Nutr 345 – 2nd year of undergraduate studies). January […]

21 December 2021

$400,000 to spare for misleading food labels?

Publié par Carole Fournier

In 2021, $560,000 in fines were charged to Canadian companies for deceptive labelling, including: $10,000 to a Montreal company for selling extra virgin olive oil in a manner that was false, misleading or deceptive or was likely to create an erroneous impression regarding its character, value, composition and merit, which is an offence under subsection […]

11 November 2021

Food recalls in October 2021

Publié par Carole Fournier

Last month, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency reported 17 food recalls, including 7 for undeclared allergens and 10 for chemical (e.g. cleaning product), physical (e.g. pieces of plastic or metal) or microbiological contamination. Avoid costs associated with non-compliance; leave your labelling to the experts at ACC Label

10 November 2021

5th year of collaboration with McGill University

Publié par Carole Fournier

Another great collaboration with P.-G. Duhamel of McGill’s Food Service Systems Management class (NUTR 345). Mr. Duhamel prepared a fun interactive quiz for the students based on a presentation by ACC Label’s president, C. Fournier, on food labelling and nutritional analysis.

27 October 2021

Accurate labelling: a moral obligation

Publié par Carole Fournier

Proper food labelling is not only a legal matter, but also a moral one. For some, improperly declared allergens could be the difference between life and death. With the boom in food distribution due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many consumers are not being provided with the information needed to make safe and informed choices. Sylvain […]

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