Carole Fournier

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Nutritionist, President and Founder

Education: B.Sc. (Food Science) Dietetics Major, McGill University
Professional affiliation:

Member of the Ordre professionnel des diététistes du Québec

Member of Dietitians of Canada

Member of Fondation Initia

Certifying officer for the Allergen controlTM of Allergies Québec

Linguistic ability: English and French since childhood
Great writing skills. Loves to play with words and make them rhyme. Her writing style and her smart use of punctuation is just perfect for short romance copy on food labels.

I’m proud of my business because…

We offer an excellent service, our clients are satisfied, and our employees are happy at work. What more could I ask?
What more? Coming across the labels we reviewed, while doing my weekly grocery shopping. It’s my reward!

My passions

Kayaking is my greatest passion. I’ll rush for 1-2 hours of kayaking on the Lachine Canal after work, and I regularly paddle for up to 6 hours on the weekends. I just love the calm on the water, the exercise, and my mission (cleaning up the canal by picking junk floating on the water);

Choir singing – This came as a surprise in 2012. I didn’t even know I could sing. A friend invited me to join her, and I’ve been singing since. We must be OK. My family and friends come to almost all our concerts. We even sang in Quebec City, Toronto and Paris!


Noteworthy achievements


  1. November: Expert Advisor for the French Radio-Canada television show l‘Épicerie to speak about food enrichment
  2. Virtual Lecturer (due to the COVID-19 pandemic) to McGill University Dietetic students about:
    • November: Canadian Food Labelling and Nutritional Analysis Methodology for reliable results, as part of the course Food Service Systems Management (Nutr 345 – B.Sc. 2nd year).
    • January: The Food Label: a tool to make informed food choices as part of the course Applications of Food Fundamentals (Nutr 217 – B.Sc. 1st year)
  3. July 2023: Designed a bilingual food additives index, as a practical tool to rapidly find the functions of food additives, their French and English synonyms, as well as the corresponding European codes.
  4. February: Collaboration with Laval University Food Science and Technology program.


  1. October: Acquired Exact Translations, a Vancouver-based firm that has specialized in food labelling for 33 years. 
  2. Virtual Lecturer (due to the COVID-19 pandemic) to McGill University Dietetic students about:
    • November: Canadian Food Labelling and Nutritional Analysis Methodology for reliable results, as part of the course Food Service Systems Management (Nutr 345 – B.Sc. 2nd year).
    • January: The Food Label: a tool to make informed food choices as part of the course Applications of Food Fundamentals (Nutr 217 – B.Sc. 1st year)
  3. Collaboration with Laval University Food Science and Technology program.


  1. Virtual Lecturer (due to the COVID-19 pandemic) to McGill University Dietetic students:
    • November: Canadian Food Labelling and Nutritional Analysis, as part of the course Food Service Systems Management (Nutr 345 – B.Sc. 2nd year).
    • January: The Food Label: a tool to make informed food choices as part of the course Applications of Food Fundamentals (Nutr 217 – B.Sc. 1st year).
  2. Creation of a new MesurACC. Our MesurACC, a typographical tool designed for the food industry, which was awarded the SIAL Innovation 2016 prize, is now available in two new improved versions:
    • MesurACC typo, a typographical reference and measuring, to measure type sizes, rule sizes and spacing on printed labels;
    • MesurACC NFT to verify the compliance of Nutrition Facts tables (NFT) on printed Canadian labels.


  1. Guest Expert at the French Radio-Canada television show l‘Épicerie to speak about nutritional analysis.
  2. Virtual Lecturer (due to the COVID-19 pandemic) about work in food labelling and nutritional analysis presented to 2nd year dietetic students at McGill University.
  3. Conferences about Canadian Food Labelling for the Montreal SIAL virtual show for:
    • the Tunisia Ambassy (in French on YouTube)
    • le USDA Foreign Agricultural Services of the U.S. Consulate (in English YouTube)


  1. Guest lecturer for 2nd year dietetic students at McGill Université McGill about work in food labelling and nutritional analysis.
  2. Guest speaker about Canadian food labelling requirements at the Toronto SIAL show for:
    • TFO Canada members from developping countries who wish to export their food products to Canada
    • the USDA Foreign Agricultural Services of the US Consulate in Toronto to a delegation of US food businesses 


  1. Guest lecturer at McGill University, about work in food labelling for the Dietetic and Human Nutrition undergraduate program.
  2. Presentations on Canadian food labelling requirements to:
    • French delegates visiting Montreal in hope of business expansion (seminar organized by Les solutions-conseils rézoway);
    • Tunisian delegates participating at SIAL Canada 2018 (activity organized by the Chambre de commerce canado-tunisienne, the Ambassador of Tunisia, Les solutions-conseils rézoway and ACC Label);
    • Trade Commissionners and Consuls of 8 in developing countries, organized by TFO Canada – an organization that aims to facilitate sustainable international trade opportunities for small and medium enterprises in developing countries.
  3. Breakfast seminar at the CIBÎM – Database nutritional analysis: know-how for reliable results
    Participation to the preparation of the training activity (PowerPoint).

  4. INPACQ Conference  – new regulatory requirements and trends in food labelling
    Participation to the preparation of the conference (PowerPoint).


  1. Guest lecturer at McGill University, about:
    • Careers in food labelling for the « Comparative Food Law» course in the Masters Degree Food Science program;
    • Basic knowledge in food labelling for the Dietetic and Human Nutrition undergraduate program.
  2. Networking at the 2018 SIAL Launch Conference Lunch activity.
  3. Sponsor of the conference on « Food Fraud », organized by Événements les affaires.
  4. Expert-Advisor regarding McDonald’s Big Mac Sauce for an article from Marie-Ève Dumont, reporter at the Journal de Montréal.
  5. Guest lecturer at LaSalle College, about Basic knowledge in food labelling, to hotel and restaurant students.
  6. Active participation in seven regulatory consultations conducted by Health Canada and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.
  7. Collaboration in the preparation of a breakfast seminar about the new Canadian food labelling requirements published December 14, 2016, to members of the Conseil des industries bioalimentaires de l’Île de Montréal (CIBIM).
  8. Networking at a dinner seminar organized by the Canadian Association of Foodservice Professionals.
  9. Networking at the 2017 Gala DUX Eat Better, Live Better rewarding leaders innovating in improving food products and eating habits across the country.


  1. Guest Lecturer at McGill University on “Careers in Food Labelling”:
    • October 24, 2016 to Dietetic and Human Nutrition undergraduate students –  Course NUTR-345 – Food Service Systems Management;
    • November 1, 2016, in the Comparative Food Law graduate course.
  2. Resource Person to speak about nutritional labelling for the French Radio-Canada television show “Entrée principale“, October 26, 2016.
  3. Participation to the SÉRI Montréal networking event on  “Taste, odours and flavours“, held September 26, 2016.
  4. Selected “Favorite Business 2016 / Entreprise Coup de cœur 2016!” by the Québec trade magazine l’Actualité alimentaire, fall 2016 (vol. 13, no. 4)
  5. Recipient of the SIAL Innovation 2016 Award –  Packaging, equipment and technologies category – for the  creation of MesurACC®,  a food labelling typographical tool created by ACC Label to verify food labels with respect to the various typographical requirements of food labelling regulations.
  6. Exhibitor at the 2016 International Food Show (SIAL) in Montreal;
  7. 2016 JA 18 – Interview by Marie-Michèle Sioui of the Le Devoir, a Montreal newspaper, about  the hiring of a lobbyist by Tim Hortons Restaurants to make sure the provincial government will not oblige chain restaurants to display the nnutritional information of the products sold to Quebecers.


  1. Representations regarding the proposed regulation modifying the Food and Drug Regulations with respect to labelling, published June 13, 2015 in Canada Gazette Part I.

  2. Participation in three regulatory consultations of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency regarding food labelling.

  3. Creation of ACC Label’s newsletter, ACC Reporter, and author of several articles (see our blog page).

  4. Participation as an expert advisor in different media interviews in different newspapers and radio shows – (see the media page of our blog posts).

  5. Participation in the creation of a video demonstrating the use of MesurACC®, a food labelling typographical ruler designed to verify the compliance of food labels with respect to the various typographical requirements prescribed by regulations.

  6. Automation of several tasks.

  7. Participation in the preparation of a lecture on nutritional analysis, presented to undergraduate nutrition students at l’Université de Montréal.
  8. Participation at the Dietitians of Canada National Conference and 5 other continuing education activities.
  9. Participation in a Trade mission in New York.
  10. Participation at the New York Fancy Food Show.


  1. Modernization of ACC Label’s website.

  2. Participation in many consultations of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and Health Canada regarding regulatory modification projects.
  3. Participation in the preparation of a conference on Canadian versus US food labelling standards, for a US delegation.


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